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第25回 生命医科学セミナー(Biomedical Science Seminar)


演題:Double-strand break repair and genomic integrity

in mammalian cells

演者:Dr. Maria Jasin

所属:Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, U.S.A.

日時:平成20年4月21日(月) 19:00~20:00



Gross chromosomal rearrangements are the hallmark of tumor cells and form by the inappropriate breakage and reunion of DNA. Complex pathways have evolved to respond to DNA double-strand breaks in mammalian cells, including multiple repair pathways. Moreover, robust double-strand break repair is critical for embryonic and germ cell development. Various aspects of DNA double-strand break repair will be discussed, such as modelling oncogenic translocations, the role of the breast cancer tumor suppressor BRCA2 in homologous recombination, and meiotic double-strand break repair.

Ref: Weinstock, DM, Brunet, E, Jasin M (2007) Formation of NHEJ-derived reciprocal chromosomal translocations does not require Ku70. Nat. Cell. Biol. 9, 978-81.

 今回、共同研究討議並びにAtaxia-Telangiectasia Workshop 2008(April 22-26, Ohtsu Prince Hotel at Lake Biwa)での講演のために来日されます。


(共催:福岡医学会、消化器・総合外科学分野 前原喜彦教授)

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