
Isotonic and minimally invasive optical clearing media for live cell imaging ex vivo and in vivo

Shigenori Inagaki, Nao Nakagawa-Tamagawa, Nathan Huynh, Yuki Kambe, Rei Yagasaki, Satoshi Manita, Satoshi Fujimoto, Takahiro Noda, Misato Mori, Aki Teranishi, Hikari Takeshima, Yuki Naitou, Tatsushi Yokoyama, Masayuki Sakamoto, Katsuhiko Hayashi, Kazuo Kitamura, Yoshiaki Tagawa, Satoru Okuda, Tatsuo K. Sato, Takeshi Imai.

bioRxiv 2024.09.13.612584

Automated neuronal reconstruction with super-multicolour Tetbow labelling and threshold-based clustering of colour hues

Leiwe MN, Fujimoto S, Baba T, Moriyasu D, Saha B, Sakaguchi R, Inagaki S, Imai T.

Nature Communications 15: 5279 (2024)

[プレスリリース(九州大学)] [press release (Kyushu Univ)]
[Addgene] [Original microscopy images (SSBD Repository)], [Post-hoc chromatic aberration correction codes (GitHub)], [Linearity correction program for Leica HyD (GitHub)], [ImageJ plugin for Linear Unmixing (GitHub)], [dCrawler (MATLAB and Python) (GitHub)], [QDyeFinder (GitHub)], [SWC exporter for Imaris Filament Tracer (GitHub)]


Microglia are dispensable for developmental dendrite pruning of mitral cells in mice

Niiyama T, Fujimoto S, Imai T.

eNeuro 2023, Oct 27; ENEURO.0323-23.2023


[SSBD Database]

Activity-dependent local protection and lateral inhibition control synaptic competition in developing mitral cells in mice

Fujimoto S, Leiwe MN, Aihara S, Sakaguchi R, Muroyama Y, Kobayakawa R, Kobayakawa K, Saito T, Imai T.

Developmental Cell 2023, June 7; 58, 1221–1236

bioRxiv 625616; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/625616

Developmental Cell誌7/24号の表紙に掲載。


[プレスリリース(九州大学)] [press release (Kyushu Univ)] [SSBD Database][神経科学ニュース]



Post hoc Correction of Chromatic Aberrations in Large-Scale Volumetric Images in Confocal Microscopy

Leiwe MN, Fujimoto S, Imai T.

Front Neuroanat 2021 Dec 10; 15:760063. doi: 10.3389/fnana.2021.760063 https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnana.2021.760063/full   

BMPR-2 gates activity-dependent stabilization of primary dendrites during mitral cell remodeling

Aihara S, Fujimoto S, Sakaguchi R, Imai T.

Cell Reports 2021, June 22; 35:109276. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2021.109276
2020.10.30.358861; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.10.30.358861
Cell Reports誌6/22号の表紙に掲載。


[プレスリリース(九州大学)]  [プレスリリース(理研)]  [SSBD Database]


Widespread inhibition, antagonism, and synergy in mouse olfactory sensory neurons in vivo

Inagaki S, Iwata R, Iwamoto M, Imai T.

Cell Reports 2020 June 30;  31:107814. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2020.107814    


[プレスリリース(九州大学)] [Press Release (Kyushu Univ)] [プレスリリース(理研)]  [SSBD Database]


Bright multicolor labeling of neuronal circuits with fluorescent proteins and chemical tags.

Sakaguchi R, Leiwe MN, Imai T.

eLife 2018 Nov 20;7:e40350. doi: 10.7554/eLife.40350   

[プレスリリース(九州大学)] [プレスリリース (理研)] [SSBD Database] [GitHub] [YouTube (1)] [YouTube (2)] [YouTube (3)] [YouTube (4)] [SeeDB Resources (protocol, etc.)] [Addgene Blog]

The ScientistForbes、産経新聞、財経新聞に掲載されました。

Mechanosensory-Based Phase Coding of Odor Identity in the Olfactory Bulb.

Iwata R, Kiyonari H, Imai T.

Neuron 2017 Dec 6;96:1139–1152. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2017.11.008    

[プレスリリース(理研)] [プレスリリース(九州大学)] [press release (RIKEN)] [CDBニュース] [This Ain’t Magic (RIKEN Blog)] [ライフサイエンス 新着論文レビュー] [SSBD Database]

NHK関西のニュース(TV, ラジオ)で放送されました。時事通信(Yahoo!ニュース他)、神戸新聞、日刊工業新聞、科学新聞などの国内外メディアに掲載されました。

Distorted coarse axon targeting and reduced dendrite connectivity underlie dysosmia after olfactory axon injury.

Murai A, Iwata R, Fujimoto S, Aihara S, Tsuboi A, Muroyama Y, Saito T, Nishizaki K, Imai T.

eNeuro 2016;3(5):e0242-16.2016 doi:10.1523/ENEURO.0242-16.2016 


  [NeuroMorph.org] [CDBニュース]

Super-resolution mapping of neuronal circuitry with an index optimized clearing agent.

Ke M-T, Nakai Y, Fujimoto S, Takayama R, Yoshida S, Kitajima TS, Sato M, Imai T.

Cell Reports 2016 March 22;14:2718-2732. doi:10.1016/j.celrep.2016.02.057  


[SeeDB Resources] [SeeDB2 Videos] [NeuroMorph.org] [SSBD Database]
[プレスリリース(理研)] [プレスリリース(JST)] [press release(RIKEN)] [CDBニュース] [YouTube(1)] [YouTube(2)][YouTube(3)]


Agonist-Independent GPCR Activity Regulates Anterior-Posterior Targeting of Olfactory Sensory Neurons.

Nakashima A*, Takeuchi H*, Imai T*, Saito H, Kiyonari H, Abe T, Chen M, Weinstein LS, Ron Yu C, Storm DR, Nishizumi H, Sakano H. (*equally contributed)

Cell. 2013 Sept 12;154:1314-1325. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2013.08.033 


[Cell preview][F1000] [CDBニュース]

SeeDB: a simple and morphology-preserving optical clearing agent for neuronal circuit reconstruction

Ke M-T, Fujimoto S, Imai T.
Nat Neurosci. 2013 June 23;16:1154-1161. doi:10.1038/nn.3447    


[Suppl] [SeeDB Resources] [SeeDB Videos] [F1000] [NeuroMorph.org] [SSBD Database] [プレスリリース(理研)] [プレスリリース(JST)]  [press release(RIKEN)]  [RIKEN RESEARCH]  [CDBニュース]  [YouTube(1)][YouTube(2)]  [YouTube(3)]  [ScienceNOW]  [サイエンスチャンネル(YouTube)]

NHK関西、関西テレビ、読売新聞、日経新聞、産経新聞、神戸新聞、夕刊フジ、日刊工業新聞、Science誌オンラインニュース、現代化学、子供の科学、 National Geographic等、国内外メディアに掲載されました。

A major allogenic leukocyte antigen in the agnathan hagfish.

Takaba H, Imai T, Miki S, Morishita Y, Miyashita A, Ishikawa N, Nishizumi H, Sakano H.

Sci Rep. 2013 Apr 24;3:1716. doi: 10.1038/srep01716. 

Quartz-Seq: a highly reproducible and sensitive single-cell RNA-Seq reveals non-genetic gene expression heterogeneity.

Sasagawa Y, Nikaido I, Hayashi T, Danno H, Uno KD, Imai T, Ueda HR.

Genome Biol. 2013 Apr 17;14(4):R31.  

Two highly homologous mouse odorant receptors encoded by tandemly-linked MOR29A and MOR29B genes respond differently to phenyl ethers.

Tsuboi A*, Imai T*, Kato HK, Matsumoto H, Igarashi KM, Suzuki M, Mori K, Sakano H. (*equally contributed)

Eur J Neurosci. 2011 Jan;33(2):205-13. doi: 10.1111/j.1460-9568.2010.07495.x.  


Pre-Target Axon Sorting Establishes the Neural Map Topography.

Imai T, Yamazaki T, Kobayakawa R, Kobayakawa K, Abe T, Suzuki M, Sakano H.
Science. 2009 Jul 31;325(5940):585-590.  



[Suppl][Science preview] [Nature Review Neurosci Highlight] [F1000] [プレスリリース] [理学部ニュースPDF]

RAG-heptamer interaction in the synaptic complex is a crucial biochemical checkpoint for the 12/23 recombination rule.

Nishihara T, Nagawa F, Imai T, Sakano H.

J Biol Chem. 2008 Feb 22;283(8):4877-85.

Innate versus learned odour processing in the mouse olfactory bulb.

Kobayakawa K, Kobayakawa R, Matsumoto H, Oka Y, Imai T, Ikawa M, Okabe M, Ikeda T, Itohara S, Kikusui T, Mori K, Sakano H.

Nature. 2007 Nov 22;450(7169):503-8.



Odorant receptor-derived cAMP signals direct axonal targeting.

Imai T, Suzuki M, Sakano H.

Science. 2006 Oct 27;314(5799):657-61.


[Science preview] [Cell preview] [F1000] [プレスリリース][理学部ニュースPDF]

Olfactory sensory neurons expressing class I odorant receptors converge their axons on an antero-dorsal domain of the olfactory bulb in the mouse.

Tsuboi A, Miyazaki T, Imai T, Sakano H.
Eur J Neurosci. 2006 Mar;23(6):1436-44.

Developmental elimination of ectopic projection sites for the transgenic OR gene that has lost zone specificity in the olfactory epithelium.

Nakatani H, Serizawa S, Nakajima M, Imai T, Sakano H.
Eur J Neurosci. 2003 Nov;18(9):2425-32.




中谷以降計測技術振興財団 年報, 38巻, in press (2024) [著者最終稿PDF]

嗅覚受容体のアロステリック 制御に基づく匂いの混合物の識別


香料, in press (2024) [著者最終稿PDF]



日本味と匂い学会誌 30(2), (2023) [J-STAGE]

Effective Hand Rearing of Neonatal Mice for Developmental Studies

Leiwe MN., Fujimoto S., Imai T.

bio-protocol  13(11): e4755 (2023)



医学のあゆみ 285(5):365-371, (2023) doi: https://doi.org/10.32118/ayu28605365 [website]



解剖学雑誌 98(1), 1-5, (2023) [著者最終稿PDF]



におい・かおり環境学会誌 54 (2), 139-144, (2023) [著者最終稿PDF]

Development of the olfactory system: from sensory neurons to cortical projections

Imai T.

Evolution of Neurosensory Cells and Systems: Gene Regulation, Cellular Networks and Processes (1st ed.). (Eds: Bernd Fritzsch and Karen L. E. Thompson) CRC Press (2022) Chapter 2

DOI: 10.1201/9781003092810 [著者最終稿]

In vivo Optical Access to Olfactory Sensory Neurons in the Mouse Olfactory Epithelium

Inagaki S, Iwata R, Imai T.

bio-protocol 2021, June 20;11(12):e4055.
doi: 10.21769/BioProtoc.4055



化学と生物  59(6): 278-283 (2021) [化学と生物] [PDF]

嗅神経細胞のin vivoカルシウムイメージングによって見いだされた多様な匂い応答様式


Aroma Research 22(1): 10-12 (2021) [Aroma Research]

蛍光タンパク質を用いた神経線維トレーシング: Tetbow法と透明化イメージング

実験医学別冊  決定版 ウイルスベクターによる遺伝子導入実験ガイド 2020, 3章1, pp. 210-218.  [実験医学]

Odor Coding in the Olfactory Bulb

Imai T.

The Senses: A Comprehensive Reference (Second Edition) 3.32, 640-649 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-809324-5.23828-5 [draft version]


和光純薬時報 2019, 87(3):10-12.  [和光純薬時報]


ブレインサイエンス・レビュー 2019 pp. 45-63 [クバプロ]  (著者原稿)


実験医学 2019, 37(6):963-969.  [実験医学]

Tetbow: Bright Multicolor Labeling for Neuronal Tracing

Sakaguchi R, Leiwe MN, Imai T.

Addgene Blog 2019.1.24
Protocol at Addgene
SeeDB Resources

Optical Clearing and Index Matching of Tissue Samples for High-resolution Fluorescence Imaging Using SeeDB2

Ke M-T, Imai T
bio-protocol, Oct;8(20):e3046.
doi: 10.21769/BioProtoc.3046


実験医学 2018, 増刊 36(12):2106-2111.  [実験医学]


岩田 遼 ・ 今井 猛
ライフサイエンス新着論文レビュー 2017年12月22日 DOI: 10.7875/first.author.2017.144


生化学 2015 Apr;87(2):225-229. 


光学 2014 Nov;43(11):524-526.  [光学]

Construction of functional neuronal circuitry in the olfactory bulb.

Imai T

Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology 2014 July 30;35:180-188. 

Optical Clearing Using SeeDB.

Ke M-T, Fujimoto S, Imai T
bio-protocol, Feb;4(3):e1042.
doi: 10.21769/BioProtoc.1042

Optical clearing of fixed brain samples using SeeDB.

Ke M-T, Imai T
Current Protocols in Neuroscience 2014, Jan;66:2.22.1-19.
doi: 10.1002/0471142301.ns0222s66



柯 孟岑 、今井  
実験医学 2014 Feb;32(3):449-455.  [実験医学]

Positional information in neural map development: Lessons from the olfactory system.

Imai T
Dev Growth Differ. 2012 Apr;54(3):358-65. doi: 10.1111/j.1440-169X.2012.01334.x.

Axon-axon interactions in neuronal circuit assembly: lessons from olfactory map formation.

Imai T, & Sakano H
Eur J Neurosci. 2011 Nov; 34(10):1647-1654.  


Topographic Mapping–The Olfactory System.

Imai T, Sakano H, & Vosshall LB,

Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. (Neuronal Guidance; Marc Tessier-Lavigne and Alex L. Kolodkin ed.; CSHL press) 2010 Aug 1;2(8):a001776.


 [journal home]



今井 , 山﨑 崇裕, 坂野 仁
細胞工学 2010 Jan;29(1):78-85. 


今井 , 山﨑 崇裕, 坂野 仁
実験医学 2009 Dec;27(19):3123-3126. [実験医学]

Odorant receptor gene choice and axonal projection in the mouse olfactory system.

Imai T, Sakano H.

Results Probl Cell Differ. (Chemosensory Systems in Mammals, Fishes, and Insects; Wolfgang Meyerhof and Sigrun Korsching ed.; Springer) 2009;47:1-19.  


Odorant receptor-mediated signaling in the mouse.

Imai T, Sakano H.
Curr Opin Neurobiol. 2008 Jun;18(3):251-60.


Interhemispheric olfactory circuit and the memory beyond.

Imai T, Sakano H.

Neuron. 2008 May 22;58(4):465-7.

嗅覚受容体に依存した軸索投射の分子機構 [Molecular mechanisms of odorant receptor-instructed axonal projection]

Imai T, Sakano H.

生化学 [Seikagaku]. 2007 Dec;79(12):1148-52. Japanese [PubMed][PDF] 

Axonal Wiring Specificity by Differential cAMP Levels in the Mouse Olfactory System (GE & Science Prize winning essay).

Imai T

Science (online). 2007 Dec. [Science online]

Roles of odorant receptors in projecting axons in the mouse olfactory system.

Imai T, Sakano H.

Curr Opin Neurobiol. 2007 Oct;17(5):507-15.