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学術論文 原著

  1. Hossain, M.S., Mineno, K. and Katafuchi, T.*. Neuronal orphan G-protein coupled receptor proteins mediate plasmalogens-induced activation of ERK and Akt signaling. PLoS ONE 11(3): e0150846, 2016. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0150846


学術論文 総説

  1. 片渕俊彦. プラズマローゲンと神経細胞信号伝達機能. 機能性食品と薬理栄養. 第9巻 第5号, 315-321, 2016.




学術論文 原著

  1. Mori, Y., Tomonaga, D., Kalashnikova, A., Furuya, f., Akimoto, N., Ifuku, M., Okuno, Y., Beppu, K., Fujita, K., Katafuchi, T., Shimura, H., Churilov, L.P. and Noda, M.* Effects of 3,3’,5-triiodothyronine on microglial functions. Glia 63: 906-920, 2015. doi: 10.1002/glia.22792


学術論文 総説

  1. 片渕俊彦. Poly I:C 疲労モデルラットにおける神経炎症機序. 日本疲労学会誌 第10巻 第2号, 6-11, 2015.
  2. Katafuchi, T.*, Hossain, M. S., Mineno, K. and Mohamed, F.A. Bioactive lipids safeguard our brain from various challenges. Fukuoka Acta Medica. 106 (11): 293-301, 2015.



  1. 片渕俊彦. エーテル型グリセロリン脂質・プラズマローゲンの抗神経炎症作用. シンポジウムⅡ「疲労の脳科学解析およびモデル動物を用いた解析研究」第11回日本疲労学会総会・学術集会. 日本疲労学会誌第11巻第1号40, 2015. 5月15-16日.(山口)
  2. Katafuchi, T. Significant roles of hippocampal plasmalogens in learning and memory. Symposium Session I. Central and peripheral mechanisms of the nervous and immune systems interaction. The V International Symposium: Interaction of the nervous and immune systems in health and disease. Abstract book p.28, 2015. June 23-June 26. (St. Petersburg, RUSSIA)




学術論文 原著

1.      Ifuku, M., Hossain, M. S., Noda, M. and Katafuchi, T. 
* Induction of IL-1b by activated microglia is a prerequisite for immunologically induced fatigue. 
Eur. J. Neurosci. 40: 3253-3263, 2014. doi: 10.1111/ejn.12668

学術論文 総説

1.      片渕俊彦. 発熱と生体防御. 小児内科 第46巻 第3号, 320-323, 2014.


1.      Katafuchi, T. and Hossain, M.S. Role of Hippocampal ether-type glycerophospholipids, plasmalogens, in neurodegenerative diseases. Symposiumu 3: Therapeutic interventions in neuroimmunological diseases. The 9th Congress of the International Society for Neuroimmunommodulation. Abstract bood p. 33, 2014. September 25-27. (Liege, BELGIUM)




学術論文 原著

1.      Fukuhara, K., Katafuchi, T.* and Yoshimura, M. Effects of baclofen on mechanical noxious and innocuous transmission in the spinal dorsal horn of the adult rat: in vivo patch-clamp analysis. Eur. J. Neurosci. 38: 3398-3407, 2013. doi: 10.111/ejn.12345


2.      Hossain, M. S., Ifuku, M., Take, S., Kawamura, J., Miake, K., and Katafuchi, T. * Plasmalogens rescue neuronal cell death through an activation of AKT and ERK survival signaling. PLoS ONE 8(12): e83508, 2013. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0083508

学術論文 総説

1.      Hossain, M. S., Ifuku, M. and Katafuchi, T. Role of ceramide in the physiology and pathology of nervous systems. Adv. Neuroimmun. Biol. 4: 35-44, 2013. 2.      Ifuku, M., Hossain M. S. and Katafuchi, T. Microglial activation in immunologically induced fatigue. Adv. Neuroimmun. Biol. 4:245-253, 2013.


1.      Katafuchi, T., Ifuku, M. and Hossain, Md. S. Anti-inflammatory/anti-amyloidogenic action of plasmalogens in lipopolysaccharide-induced neuroinflammation in adult mice. Plenary lecture. The IV International Symposium: Interaction of the nervous and immune systems in health and disease. Abstract book p.24-25, 2013. June 18-June 21. (St. Petersburg, RUSSIA)



学術論文 原著

1.      Katafuchi, T.*, Ifuku, M., Mawatari, S., Noda, M., Miake, K., Sugiyama, M. and Fujino, T. Effects of plasmalogens on systemic lipopolysaccharide-induced glial activation and b-amyloid accumulation in adult mice. Ann N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1262: 85-92, 2012.


2.      Ifuku, M., Katafuchi, T.*, Mawatari, S., Noda, M., Miake, K., Sugiyama, M. and Fujino, T. Anti-inflammatory/anti-amyloidogenic effects of plasmalogens in lipopolysaccharide-induced neuroinflammation in adult mice. J. Neuroinflammation 9: 197, 2012. doi: 10.1186/1742-2094-9-197


3.      Li, L., Morimoto, S.*, Take, S., Zhan, D-Y., Du, C-K., Wang, Y-Y., Fan, X-L., Yoshihara, T., Takahashi-Yanaga, F., Katafuchi, T. and Sasaguri, T. Role of brain serotonin dysfunction in the pathophysiology of congestive heart failure. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 2012. doi: 10.1016/j.yjmcc.2012.08.006


4.      Mawatari, S.*, Katafuchi, T., Miake, K. and Fujino, T. Dietary plasmalogen increases erythrocyte membrane plasmalogen in rats. Lipids Health Dis. 11: 161, 2012. doi: 10.1186/1476-511X-161


1.      Katafuchi, T., Ifuku, M, Fujino, T. and Shiro Mawatari. Plasmalogens attenuate lipopolysaccharide-induced b-amyloid accumulation in mice. Symposium session  I, Cell signaling and information processing (1): The 10th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium of Brain Sciences, and Cardiac and Smooth Muscle Sciences. Program & Abstract p.12-13, 2012, February 17-19. (Gyeongju, Republic of Korea)


2.      片渕俊彦, 井福正隆. 免疫学的疲労モデル動物における脳内炎症機序. シンポジウム「疲労の脳科学の最前線」第8回日本疲労学会総会・学術集会. 日本疲労学会誌第8巻第1号 p.15, 2012. 6月2-3日. (東京)



学術論文 総説

1.  Berczi, I. and Katafuchi, T. Introduction: advances in neuroimmune biology: a comprehensive way to look at biology. Adv. Neuroimmun. Biol. 1: 1-9, 2011.

2.   Katafuchi, T. Hypothalamo-Sympathetic modulation of splenic natural killer cell activity: an involvement of brain cytokines. Adv. Neuroimmun. Biol. 1: 63-69, 2011.


1.  Katafuchi, T. Role of glial cells in immunologically induced fatigue. Plenary lecture. The III International Symposium: Interaction of the nervous and immune systems in health and disease. Abstract book p.26-27, 2011. June 7-June 10. (St. Petersburg, RUSSIA)

2.   Katafuchi, T., Ifuku, M. and Take, S. Neuroinflammation in an animal model of poly I:C-induced fatigue. Section 3: The brain in Neuroimmunomodulation. The 8th     Congress of the International Society for Neuroimmunommodulation.  Program p. 6, [NeuroImmunoModulation 18: 382, 2011]  2011, October 20-22. (Dresden,      GERMANY)




学術論文 原著

1.   Maeda, A., Katafuchi, T.*, Oba, Y., Shiokawa, H. and Yoshimura, M.

Enhancement of GABAergic Tonic Currents by Midazolam and Noradrenaline in Rat Substantia Gelantinosa Neurons In Vitro.

Anesthesiology. 113: 429-437, 2010.


2.   Uta, D., Furue, H.*, Pickering, A.E., Rashid, M.H., Mizuguchi-Takase, H., Katafuchi, T., Imoto K. and Yoshimura, M.

TRPA1-expressing primary afferents synapse with a morphologically identified subclass of substantia gelatinosa neurons in the adult rat spinal cord.

Eur. J. Neurosci. 31: 1960-1973, 2010.


3.   Yanagisawa, Y., Furue, H.*, Kawamata, T., Uta, D., Yamamoto, J., Furuse, S., Katafuchi, T., Imonto, K., Iwamoto, Y. and Yoshimura, M.

Bone cancer induces a unique central sensitization through synaptic changes in a wide area of the spinal cord.

Mol. Pain 6: 38-50. 2010.   doi: 10.1186/1744-8069-6-38

学術論文 総説

1. 片渕俊彦. 疲労と免疫. CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE. 第28巻 第2号, 159-161, 2010. 2.   片渕俊彦. 免疫学的疲労モデルにおける疲労の分子神経メカニズム. 最新・疲労の科学. 別冊 医学のあゆみ, 27-31, 2010. 3.   片渕俊彦, 井福正隆. 免疫学的疲労と脳内グリア細胞. 日本疲労学会誌 第5巻 第2号, 30-34, 2010.


1. Katafuchi, T., Ifuku, M., Take, S., Izumi, K., Otsubo, S. and Noda, M. Immunologically induced fatigue and glial cells. Symposium session I-3. Integration and brain function (1): The 9th Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Brain Sciences, and Cardiac and Smooth Muscles. Program & Abstracts p.20, 2010. November 25-28. (Kagoshima)




学術論文 原著

1. Abe, K., Kato, G., Katafuchi, T.*, Tamae, A., Furue, H. and Yoshimura, M.

Responses to 5-HT in morphologically identified neurons in the rat substantia gelatinosa in vitro.

Neuroscience. 159: 316-324, 2009.


2.   Fujita, K., Seike, T., Yutsudo, N., Ohno, M., Yamada, H., Yamaguchi, H., Sakumi, K., Yamakawa, Y., Kido, M.A., Takaki, A., Katafuchi, T., Tanaka, Y., Nakabeppu, Y. and Noda, M.

* Hydrogen in drinking water reduces dopaminergic neuronal loss in the 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydrophridine mouse model of Parkinson’s disease.

PLoS ONE 4(9): e7247. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0007247, 2009.

学術論文 総説

1. 片渕俊彦. 免疫学的疲労モデルにおける疲労の分子神経メカニズム. 医学のあゆみ 第228巻第6号, 615-619, 2009.


2.   Katafuchi, T., Duan, S., Take, S. and Yoshimura, M. Cytokine-induced suppression of medial preoptic neurons: mechanisms and neuroimmunomodulatory effects. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1153: 76-81, 2009.


3.   片渕俊彦. 脳・免疫系連関とストレス応答. 皮膚の科学 第8巻増刊12号, 586-593, 2009.


1. 片渕俊彦. 脳−免疫系連関とストレス応答. シンポジウムセッション1「心身相関の基礎医学」アトピー性皮膚炎治療研究会 第14回シンポジウム「アトピー背皮膚炎への心身医学的アプローチ」プログラム・抄録集p.12, 2009. 2月7日. (大阪)


2.   Katafuchi, T. Neuroimmunomodulatory effects and mechanisms of cytokine-induced suppression of medial preoptic neurons. Symposium II. Cytokines and the brain. The II International Symposium: Interaction of the nervous and immune systems in health and disease. Abstract book p.27-28, 2009. June 16-June 19. (St. Petersburg, RUSSIA) (Chairman)





1. Inoue, M., Oomura, Y.*, Nishino, H., Aou, S., Sikdar, S.K., Hynes, M., Mizuno, Y. and Katafuchi, T.

Cholinergic role in monkey dorsolateral prefrontal cortex during bar-press feeding behavior.

Brain Res. 278: 185-194, 1983.


2.   Katafuchi, T., Yoshimatsu, H. and Oomura, Y.

* Responses of lateral hypothalamic neurons to simulative hypogravic condition induced by body suspension.

Brain Res. Bull. 12: 29-31, 1984.


3.   Yoshimatsu, H.*, Niijima, A., Oomura, Y., Yamabe, K. and Katafuchi, T.

Effects of hypothalamic lesion on pancreatic autonomic nerve activity in the rat.

Brain Res. 303: 147-152, 1984.


4.   Katafuchi, T., Oomura, Y.*, Niijima, A. and Yoshimatsu, H.

Effects of intracerebroventricular 2-DG infusion and subsequent hypothalamic lesion on adrenal nerve activity in the rat.

J. Auton. Nerv. Syst. 13: 81-84, 1985.


5.   Yoshimatsu, H., Oomura, Y.*, Katafuchi, T., Niijima, A. and Sato, A.

Lesions of the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus enhance sympatho-adrenal function.

Brain Res. 339: 390-392, 1985.


6.   Katafuchi, T., Oomura, Y.* and Yoshimatsu, H.

Single neuron activity in the rat lateral hypothalamus during 2-deoxy-D-glucose induced and natural feeding behavior.

Brain Res.  359: 1-9, 1985.


7.   Katafuchi, T., Yoshimatsu, H., Oomura, Y.* and Sato, A.

Responses of adrenal catecholamine secretion to lateral hypothalamic stimulation and lesion in rats.

Brain Res. 363: 141-144, 1986.


8.   Yoshimatsu, H., Oomura, Y., Katafuchi, T. and Akaike, N.*

Hypothalamic regulation of sodium-potassium pump activity in skeletal muscle. Brain Res. 384: 17-22, 1986.


9.   Katafuchi, T.*, Yoshimatsu, H., Oomura, Y. and Akaike, N.

Effects of hypothalamic lesions on active sodium-potassium transport in the extensor digitorum longus muscles of hypokalemic rat.

Brain Res. Bull. 17: 151-153, 1986.


10.   Katafuchi, T., Puthuraya, K.P., Yoshimatsu, H. and Oomura, Y.*

Responses of rat lateral hypothalamic neuron activity to vestibular nuclei stimulation.

Brain Res. 400: 62-69, 1987.


11.   Katafuchi, T.*, Oomura, Y., Maruyama, T. and Akaike, N.

Hypothalamus and sodium-potassium pump activity in skeletal muscles of DOCA hypertensive rats.

Am. J. Physiol. (Reg. Integr. Comp. Physiol. 22) 253: R396-R401, 1987.


12.   Katafuchi, T.*, Oomura, Y. and Aoyagi, K.

Single neuron activity of rat hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus during body suspension.

Neurosci. Lett. 78: 301-306, 1987.


13.   Yoshimatsu, H., Oomura, Y., Katafuchi, T.* and Niijima, A.

Effects of hypothalamic stimulation and lesion on adrenal nerve activity.

Am. J. Physiol. (Reg. Integr. Comp. Physiol. 22) 253: R418-R424, 1987.


14.   Katafuchi, T., Oomura, Y.* and Kurosawa, M.

Effects of chemical stimulation of paraventricular nucleus on adrenal and renal nerve activity in rats.

Neurosci. Lett. 86: 195-200, 1988.


15.   Yoshimatsu, H., Niijima, A., Oomura, Y.* and Katafuchi, T.

Lateral and ventromedial hypothalamic influences on hepatic autonomic nerve activity in the rat.

Brain Res. Bull.  21: 239-244, 1988.


16.   Min, B-I., Oomura, Y.* and Katafuchi, T.

Responses of rat lateral hypothalamic neuronal activity to fastigial nucleus stimulation.

J. Neurophysiol. 61: 1178-1184, 1989.


17.   Katafuchi, T. and Koizumi, K.*

Fastigial inputs to paraventricular neurosecretory neurones studied by extra- and intracellular recordings in rats.

J. Physiol. (Lond.) 421: 535-551, 1990.


18.   Hattori, Y., Katafuchi, T. and Koizumi, K.*

Characterization of opioid-sensitive neurons in the anteroventral third ventricle region of polydipsic inbred mice in vitro.

Brain Res. 538: 283-288, 1991.


19.   Katafuchi, T., Hattori, Y., Nagatomo, I. and Koizumi, K.*

k-opioid antagonist strongly attenuates drinking of genetically polydipsic mice.

Brain Res. 546: 1-7, 1991.


20.   Katafuchi, T., Hattori, Y., Nagatomo, I., Koizumi, K.* and Silverstein, E.

Involvement of angiotensin II in water intake of genetically polydipsic mice.

Am. J. Physiol. (Reg. Integr. Comp. Physiol. 29) 260: R1152-R1158, 1991.


21.   Katafuchi, T.*, Hori, T. and Take, S.

Central administration of interferon-a enhances rat sympathetic nerve activity to the spleen.

Neurosci. Lett. 125: 37-40, 1991.


22.   Take, S., Mori, T., Kaizuka, Y., Katafuchi, T. and Hori, T.*

Central interferona suppresses the cytotoxic activity of natural killer cells in the mouse spleen.

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 650: 46-50, 1992.


23.   Mo, Z-I., Katafuchi, T.*, Muratani, H. and Hori, T.

Effects of vasopressin and angiotensin II on neurones in the rat dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus, in vitro.

J. Physiol. (Lond.) 458: 561-577, 1992.


24.   Nagatomo, I., Katafuchi, T. and Koizumi, K.*

Effects of the opiates on the paraventricular nucleus in genetically polydipsic mice.

Brain Res. 598: 23-32. 1992.


25.   Katafuchi, T.*, Take, S. and Hori, T.

Roles of sympathetic nervous system in the suppression of cytotoxicity of natural killer cells in the rat.

J. Physiol. (Lond.) 465: 343-357, 1993.


26.   Take, S., Mori, T., Katafuchi, T. and Hori, T.*

Central interferon-a inhibits the natural killer cytotoxicity through sympathetic innervation.

Am. J. Physiol. 265 (Reg. Integr. Comp. Physiol. 34): R453-R459, 1993.


27.   Katafuchi, T.*, Ichijo, T., Take, S and Hori, T.

Hypothalamic modulation of splenic natural killer cell activity in rats.

J. Physiol. (Lond.) 471: 209-221, 1993.


28.   Ichijo, T., Katafuchi, T. and Hori, T.*

Central administration of interleukin-1b enhances splenic sympathetic nerve activity in rats.

Brain Res. Bull. 34: 547-553, 1994.


29.   Katafuchi, T.*, Okada, E., Take, S. and Hori, T.

The biphasic changes in splenic natural killer cell activity following the ventromedial hypothalamic lesions in rats.

Brain Res. 652: 164-168, 1994.


30.   Take, S.*, Uchimura, D., Kanemitsu, Y., Katafuchi, T. and Hori, T.

Interferon-a acts at the preoptic hypothalamus to reduce natural killer cytotoxicity in rats.

Am. J. Physiol. 268 (Reg. Integr. Comp. Physiol. 37): R1406-R1410, 1995.


31.   Niijima, A.*, Hori, T., Katafuchi, T. and Ichijo, T.

The effect of interleukin-1b on the efferent activity of the vagus nerve to the thymus. J. Auton.

Nerv. Syst. 54: 137-144, 1995.


32.   Ando, T.*, Ichijo, T., Katafuchi, T. and Hori, T.

Intracerebroventricular injection of prostaglandin E2 increases splenic sympathetic nerve activity in rats. Am.

J. Physiol. 269 (Reg. Integr. Comp. Physiol. 38): R662-R668, 1995.


33.   Uchimura, D.*, Katafuchi, T., Hori, T. and Yanaihara, N.

Facilitatory effects of pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP) on neurons in the magnocellular portion of the rat hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) in vitro.

J. Neuroendocrinol. 8: 137-143, 1996.


34.   Mo, Z.L., Katafuchi, T.* and Hori, T.

Effects of IL-1b on neuronal activities in the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus in rat brain slices.

Brain Res. Bull. 41: 249-255, 1996.


35.   Li, A-J., Katafuchi, T.*, Oda, S., Hori, T. and Oomura, T.

Interleukin-6 inhibits long-term potentiation in rat hippocampal slices.

Brain Res. 748: 30-38, 1997.


36.   Ota, K.*, Katafuchi, T., Takaki, A. and Hori, T. The AV3V neurons which send axons to hypothalamic nuclei respond to the systemic injection of IL-1b. Am. J. Physiol. 272 (Reg. Integr. Comp. Physiol. 41): R532-R540, 1997.


37.   Katafuchi, T.*, Motomura, K., Baba, S., Ota, K. and Hori, T.

Differential effects of tumor necrosis factor-a and -bon the rat ventromedial hypothalamic neurons in vitro.

Am. J. Physiol. 272 (Reg. Integr. Comp. Physiol. 41): R1966-R1971, 1997.


38.   Katafuchi, T.*, Ichijo, T. and Hori, T.

Sequential relationship between actions of CRF and PGE2 in the brain on splenic sympathetic nerve activity in rats.

J. Auton. Nerv. Syst. 67: 200-206, 1997.


39.   Kamikawa, H., Katafuchi, T.*, Hosoi, M., Yamamoto, T. and Hori, T.

Hyperalgesic response to noxious stimulation in genetically polydipsic mice.

Brain Res. 846: 171-176, 1999.


40.   Katafuchi, T.*, Li, A-J., Hirota, S., Kitamura, Y. and Hori, T.

Impairment of spatial learning and hippocampal synaptic potentiation in c-kit mutant rats.

Learn. Mem. 7: 383-392, 2000.


41.   Katafuchi, T.*, Kondo, T. and Hori, T. Comparable effects of adrenalectomy and C fiber depletion on delayed-type hypersensitivity in rats. Neuroimmunomodulation 9: 157-162, 2001.


42.   Kondo, T.*, Katafuchi, T. and Hori, T.

Stem cell factor modulates paired-pulse facilitation and long-term potentiation in the hippocampal mossy fiber-CA3 pathway in mice.

Brain Res. 946: 179-190, 2002.


43.   Jiang, N., Furue, H., Katafuchi, T.* and Yoshimura, M.

Somatostatin directly inhibits substantia gelatinosa neurons in adult rat spinal dorsal horn in vitro.

Neurosci. Res. 47: 97-107, 2003.

44.   Katafuchi, T.*, Kondo, T., Yasaka, K., Kubo, K., Take, S. and Yoshimura, M.

Prolonged effects of polyriboinosinic:polyribocytidylic acid on spontaneous running wheel activity and brain interferon-a mRNA in rats: a model for immunologically induced fatigue.

Neuroscience 120: 837-845, 2003.


45.   Katafuchi, T.*, Takaki, A., Take, S., Kondo, T. and Yoshimura, M.

Endotoxin inhibitor blocks heat exposure-induced expression of brain cytokine mRNA in aged rats. Mol.

Brain Res. 118: 24-32, 2003.


46.   Sonohata, M., Furue, H., Katafuchi, T.*, Yasaka, T., Doi, A., Kumamoto, E. and Yoshimura, M.

Actions of noradrenaline on substantia gelatinosa neurones in the rat spinal cord revealed by in vivo patch recording.

J. Physiol. (Lond.) 555.2: 515-526, 2004.


47.   Yoshimura, M.*, Furue, H., Nakatsuka, T. and Katafuchi, T.

Analysis of receptive fields revealed by in vivo patch-clamp recordings from dorsal horn neurons and in situ intracellular recordings from dorsal root ganglion neurons.

Life Sci. 74: 2611-2618, 2004.


48.   Moriyama, M., Furue, H., Katafuchi, T.*, Teranishi, H., Sato, T., Kano, T., Kojima, M. and Yoshimura, M.

Presynaptic modulation by neuromedin U of sensory synaptic transmission in rat spinal dorsal horn neurones.

J. Physiol. (Lond.) 559.3: 707-713, 2004.


49.   Kato, G., Furue, H., Katafuchi, T.*, Yasaka, T., Iwamoto, Y. and Yoshimura, M.

Electrophysiological mapping of nociceptive inputs to substantia gelatinosa in rat horizontal spinal cord slices.

J. Physiol. (Lond.) 560.1: 303-315, 2004.


50.   Katafuchi, T.*, Duan, S., Take, S. and Yoshimura, M.

Modulation of glutamate-induced outward current by prostaglandin E2 in rat dissociated preoptic neurons.

Brain Res. 1037: 180-186, 2005.


51.   Koga, K., Furue, H.*, Rashid, J.H., Takaki, A., Katafuchi, T. and Yoshimura, M.

Selective activation of primary afferent fibers evaluated by sine-wave electrical stimulation.

Mol. Pain 1: 13, 2005.   doi:10.1186/1174-8069-1-13


52.   Miyakawa, A., Furue, H., Katafuchi, T.*, Jiang, N. and Yoshimura, M.

Action of neuropeptide Y on nociceptive transmission in substantia gelatinosa of the adult rat spinal dorsal horn.

Neuroscience 134: 595-604, 2005.


53.   Tamae, A., Nakatsuka, T.*, Koga, K., Kato, G., Furue, H., Katafuchi, T. and Yoshimura, M.

Direct inhibition of substantia gelatinosa neurones in the spinal cord by activation of dopamine D2-like receptors.

J. Physiol. (Lond.) 568.1: 243-253, 2005.


54.   Matayoshi, S., Jiang, N., Katafuchi, T.*, Koga, K., Furue, H., Yasaka, T., Nakatsuka, T., Zhou, X-F., Kawasaki, Y., Tanaka, N., and Yoshimura, M.

Actions of brain-derived neurotrophic factor on the spinal nociceptive transmission during inflammation.

J. Physiol. (Lond.) 569.2: 685-695, 2005.


55.   Katafuchi, T.*, Kondo, T., Take, S. and Yoshimura, M.

Enhanced expression of brain interferon-a and serotonin transporter in immunologically induced fatigue in rats. Eur.

J. Neurosci. 22: 2817-2826, 2005.


56.     Kato, G., Yasaka, T., Katafuchi, T.*, Furue, H., Mizuno, M., Iwamoto, Y. and Yoshimura, M.

Direct GABAergic and glycinergic inhibition of the substantia gelatinosa from the rostral ventromedial medulla revealed by in vivo patch-clamp analysis in rats.

J. Neurosci. 26: 1787-1794, 2006.


57.     Shiokawa, H., Nakatsuka, T.*, Furue, H., Tsuda, M., Katafuchi, T., Inoue, K. and Yoshimura, M.

Direct excitation of deep dorsal horn neurones in the rat spinal cord by the activation of postsynaptic P2X receptors.

J. Physiol. (Lond.) 573.3: 753-763, 2006.


58.     Ota, K.*, Kitazono, T., Ooboshi, H., Kamouchi, M., Katafuchi, T., Aou, S., Yamashita, Y., Ibayashi, S. and Iida, M.

Role of substantia innominata in cerebral blood flow autoregulation.

Brain Res. 1135: 146-153, 2007.

59.      Doi, A., Mizuno, M., Katafuchi, T.*, Furue, H., Koga, K. and Yoshimura, M.

Slow oscillation of membrane currents mediated by glutamatergic inputs of rat somatosensory cortical neurons: in vivo patch-clamp analysis.

Eur. J. Neurosci. 26: 2565-2575, 2007.


学術論文 総説

1. 大村裕, 片渕俊彦. 食欲の中枢調節と肥満. 診断と治療, 第72巻 第2号, 211-215, 1984.


2.   大村裕, 片渕俊彦. 中枢性肥満の制御. 実験医学, Vol 4, No. 6, 496-503, 1986.


3.   Oomura, Y.* and Katafuchi, T. Neurophysiological responses in suspended animal models. Physiologist 30: Suppl. S106-S108, 1987.


4.   大村裕, 片渕俊彦. 自律神経系の中枢性調節機構. 神経研究の進歩, 第33巻, 第2号, 186-195, 1989.


5.   小泉喜代美, 服部幸雄, 長友医継, 片渕俊彦. 多飲マウスの視床下部ニューロンのオピオイド感受性. ホルモンと臨床, Vol. 38, No. 10, 979-982, 1990.


6.   堀哲郎, 片渕俊彦. 脳・免疫連関における交感神経系の役割. 特集−脳と免疫, 生体の科学, 第42巻, 第1号, 12-16, 1991.


7.   Hori, T., Nakashima, T., Take, S., Kaizuka, Y., Mori, T. and Katafuchi, T.  Immune cytokines and regulation of body temperature, food intake and cellular immunity. Brain Res. Bull. 27: 309-313, 1991.


8.   片渕俊彦, 堀哲郎. 神経系による免疫応答の調節. 臨床免疫, 第24巻 第1号, 99-108, 1992.


9.   片渕俊彦. 脳−免疫系連関と第III脳室周囲器官. BIOmedica, 第7巻 第3号, 300-304, 1992.


10.   片渕俊彦. 無動適応機構における視床下部−自律神経系の関与. 運動生化学,第3/4巻, 144-151, 1992.


11.   片渕俊彦. 自律神経系による免疫系の制御. BIOmedica, 第7巻 第13号, 1362-1366, 1992.


12.   Hori, T., Kiyohara, T., Nakashima, T., Mizuno, K., Muratani, H. and Katafuchi, T. Effects of temperature and neuroactive substances on hypothalamic neurones in vitro: possible implications for the induction of fever. Physiol. Res. 41: 77-81, 1992.


13.   片渕俊彦, 堀哲郎. 生理活性物質の生理学. ホルモンと生理活性物質.臨床検査(増刊号), 第38巻 第11号, 20-24, 1994.


14.   片渕俊彦. 脳と免疫のクロストーク: 視床下部−交感神経系による免疫系の制御. ブレインサイエンス, 第5巻第4号, 381-387, 1994.


15.   片渕俊彦, 堀哲郎. 脳−免疫系連関とサイトカイン. 免疫疾患−state of arts. 別冊 医学のあゆみ, 94-97, 1995.


16.   Katafuchi, T., Hori, T., Oomura, Y. and Koizumi, K. Cerebellar afferents to neuroendocrine cells: implications for adaptive responses to simulated weightlessness. Endocrine J. 42: 729-737, 1995.


17.   Hori, T., Katafuchi, T., Take, S., Shimizu, N. and Niijima, A. The autonomic nervous system as a communication channel between the brain and the immune system.  Neuroimmunomodulation 2: 203-215, 1995.


18.   Hori, T., Katafuchi, T., Take, S., Kaizuka, Y., Ichijo, T. and Shimizu, N. The hypothalamo-sympathetic nervous system modulates peripheral cellular immunity. Neurobiology (Bp) 3: 309-318, 1995.


19.   Katafuchi, T., Take, S. and Hori, T. Roles of cytokines in the neural-immune interactions: modulation of NMDA responses by IFNa. Neurobiology (Bp) 3: 319-328, 1995.


20.   片渕俊彦. 神経系と免疫系との相互連関.福岡医学雑誌, 第87巻 第6号, 127-132, 1996.


21.   片渕俊彦, 堀哲郎. 交感神経による脾臓ナチュラルキラー細胞活性制御機能の視床下部機序. 自律神経, 第33巻 第3号, 267-272, 1996.


22.   片渕俊彦. 精神神経系とNK細胞.特集II—NK細胞の新しい展開. 炎症と免疫, 第5巻 第1号, 51-60, 1997.


23.   Hori, T. and Katafuchi, T. Cell biology and the functions of thermosensitive neurons in the brain. Brain Function in Hot Environment: Basic and Clinical Perspectives. (Eds. H.S. Sharma and J. Westman) Prog. Brain Res. 115: 9-23, 1998.


24.   片渕俊彦. 発熱とサイトカイン. CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE, 第16巻 第4号, 73-75, 1998.


25.   片渕俊彦. ストレスと免疫系. 感染 炎症 免疫, vol. 28-2, 106-115, 1998.


26.   Hori, T., Katafuchi, T., Take, S. and Shimizu, T. Neuroimmunomodulatory actions of hypothalamic interferon-a. Neuroimmunomodulation 5: 172-177, 1998.


27.   Hori, T., Katafuchi, T., Ota, K., Matsuda, T., Oka, T. and Oka, K. Evidence for the involvement of AV3V in the circulating IL-1b-to-brain communication. J. Therm. Biol. 25: 29-33, 2000.


28.   片渕俊彦. ストレスとサイトカイン. サイトカインと疾患. 別冊 医学のあゆみ, 107-111, 2000.


29.   片渕俊彦. 神経・内分泌・免疫系連関とストレス応答. 日本皮膚アレルギー学会雑誌, 第8巻 第3号, 56-61, 2000.


30.   片渕俊彦. 免疫機能と脳. 日本ME学会雑誌, 第14巻 第11号, 65-72, 2000.


31.   片渕俊彦. ストレスと免疫応答. 臨床検査, 第45巻 第2号, 207-212, 2001.


32.   堀哲郎, 片渕俊彦. IL-6の神経系への作用. CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE, 第19巻 第6号, 114-116, 2001.


33.   片渕俊彦. 脳・免疫系連関とストレス応答. 神経研究の進歩, 第45巻 第6号, 884-890, 2001.


34.   片渕俊彦. ラットの手術法. Freshman 技術講座 日本生理学雑誌, 第63巻 第10号, 261-270, 2001.


35.   片渕俊彦. ストレスと免疫. Minophagen Medical Review, 47(5); 213-224, 2002 .


36.   片渕俊彦, 近藤哲哉. 疲労の条件づけとセロトニン. 医学のあゆみ, 第204巻5号, 334-338, 2003.


37.   片渕俊彦. ストレスと免疫異常. CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE. 第21巻 第9号, 1025-1027, 2003.


38.   吉村恵, 又吉達, 古江秀昌, 中塚映政, 片渕俊彦. 脊髄における痛覚伝達機構.  日本ペインクリニック学会誌.第10巻 第4号, 471-475, 2003.


39.   Furue, H., Katafuchi, T. and Yoshimura, M. Sensory processing and functional reorganization of sensory transmission under pathological conditions in the spinal dorsal horn. Neurosci. Res. 48: 361-368, 2004.


40.   片渕俊彦. 疲労の条件づけとセロトニン神経回路. Molecular Medicine. 第


41巻 第10号, 1264-1268, 2004. 41.   片渕俊彦, 武幸子. 疲労と脳内サイトカイン. 心身医学. 第45巻 第4号, 266-273, 2005.


42.   片渕俊彦. ウイルス感染モデルにおけるサイトカイン・神経伝達物質異常. Progress in Medicine 第25巻 第5号, 1320-1325, 2005.


43.   片渕俊彦. 疲労と脳内サイトカイン. CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE. 第23巻 第8号, 925-927, 2005.


44.   久保和彦, 片渕俊彦. 脳内サイトカインと感情評価. CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE. 第23巻 第8号, 920-922, 2005.


45.   片渕俊彦. ストレス−脳内サイトカイン−自律神経と免疫機能. 自律神経. 第42巻 第2号, 120-124, 2005.


46.   Katafuchi, T., Kondo, T., Take, S. and Yoshimura, M. Brain cytokines and the 5-HT system during poly I:C-induced fatigue. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1088: 230-237, 2006.


47.   片渕俊彦. 疲労および疲労感の中枢神経メカニズムとその防御. PHARMSTAGE. 第6巻11号, 29-34, 2007.


48.   片渕俊彦. 疲労モデルラットにおける脳内サイトカイン異常. 治療. 第90巻第3号, 562-567, 2008.


49.   片渕俊彦. 慢性疲労症候群とサイトカイン. BRAIN MEDICAL 第20巻第2号, 153-158, 2008.


1. 大村裕, 片渕俊彦. 視床下部化学受容ニューロンに対する生理活性物質の作用. 脳−腸管ペプチド, 消化管ホルモン研究会編, 中外医学社, 東京, p.13-32, 1984.


2.   Akaike, N., Oomura, Y., Yoshimatsu, H. and Katafuchi, T. Na-pump regulation by autonomic nervous system in hypokalemic rat skeletal muscle.  In: Emotions Neuronal and Chemical Control.  (Ed. Oomura, Y.) Japan Scientific Societies Press/S. Karger, Tokyo/Basel p.313-321, 1986.


3.   Koizumi, K., Hattori, Y., Katafuchi, T. and Silverstein, E. Studies on spontaneously polydipsic inbred mice.  In: Recent Progress in Posterior Pituitary Hormones (Eds. Yoshida, S. and Share, L.) Elsevier Sci. Publ. Amsterdam. p.403-410, 1988.


4.   片渕俊彦, 大村裕. 視床下部−小脳系神経機構の解明. ブレインサイエンスI, 佐藤昌康編, 朝倉書店, 東京, p.64-75, 1989.


5.   大村裕, 片渕俊彦. 食欲を制御する内因性化学物質. 生体調節−脳・ホルモン・免疫−阿蘇シンポジウム1987−,渡辺武, 高月清編, 南山堂, 東京, p.23-39, 1990.


6.   Hori, T., Katafuchi, T., Take, S., Kaizuka, Y., Mori, T. and Nakashima, T. Neural modulation of immunity: hypothalamic and peripheral autonomic neuronal mechanisms. In: New Trends in Autonomic Nervous System Research (Eds. Yoshikawa, M., Uono, M., Tanabe, H. and Ishikawa, S.)  Elsevier Sci. Publ., Tokyo. p.47-50, 1991.


7.   片渕俊彦, 堀哲郎. 神経内分泌系による免疫機能調節, 脳による免疫系の修飾・自律神経系・機能.神経内分泌免疫学, 井村裕夫, 堀哲郎, 村松繁編, 朝倉書店, 東京, p.101-110, 1993.


8.   片渕俊彦, 堀哲郎. 神経・内分泌系とサイトカイン, 臨床医のための実験医学シリーズ, サイトカインと疾患,平野俊夫編, 羊土社, 東京, p. 56-68, 1993.


9.   片渕俊彦, 堀哲郎. 脳−免疫系連関, 脳機能の解明—分子から病態まで—, 赤池紀扶, 小暮久也編, 創風社, 東京, p.144-151, 1994.


10.   Hori, T., Katafuchi, T., Take, S., Kaizuka, Y., Ichijo, T. and Shimizu, N. Immune cytokines modulate peripheral cellular immunity through the hypothalamo-sympathetic nervous system. In: Integrative and Cellular Aspects of Autonomic Functions: temperature and osmoregulation  (Eds. Pleschka, K. and Gersberger, R.) John Libbey Eurotext, Paris. p.125-129, 1994.


11.   片渕俊彦, 堀哲郎. 脳・免疫系連関における最近の進歩. 神経系と免疫系の相互連関, 佐藤公道編, エクセプタ・メディカ社. p.3-13. 1994.


12.   堀哲郎, 片渕俊彦. 脳から免疫系への通信(1)—内分泌系を介する通信. 脳と免疫—脳と生体防御系との関わりあい(第四章), 大村裕, 堀哲郎編著, 共立出版, 東京, p.39-58, 1995.


13.   片渕俊彦, 大村裕. 脳から免疫系への通信(2)—自律神経系を介する通信. 脳と免疫—脳と生体防御系との関わりあい(第五章), 大村裕, 堀哲郎編著, 共立出版, 東京, p.59-82, 1995.


14.   Ota, K., Katafuchi, T., Motomura, K., Baba, S. and Hori, T. Responses of the rat ventromedial hypothalamic neuron activity to tumor necrosis factor-a. In: Body Temperature and Metabolism (Eds. Nagasaka, T. and Milton, A.S.) International Press Editing Centre Incorporation, Tokyo. p.34-36, 1995.


15.   Katafuchi, T., Ota, K. Takaki, A. and Hori, T. Prostanoids-dependent responses of AV3V neurones to blood-borne IL-1b: a possible implication in the blood cytokines-brain signal transduction. In: Body Temperature and Metabolism (Eds. Nagasaka, T. and Milton, A.S.) International Press Editing Centre Incorporation, Tokyo. p.37-40, 1995.


16.   Hori, T., Katafuchi, T., Take, S., Kaizuka, Y. and Shimizu, N. The brain IFNa suppresses NK activity via an opioid-dependent activity of hypothalamus and sympathetic activity. In: Discussions on Future Directions in Psychoneuroimmunology and Cancer (Eds. Sendo, F. and Herberman, R.B.) Nishimura Smith-Gordon Co. Ltd. , Tokyo. p.108-110, 1996.


17.   Hori, T., Kaizuka, Y. and Katafuchi, T. Thermoregulation and immunity: the brain-immune interaction mechanisms. In: Physiological Basis of Occupational Health: Stressful Environments (Prog. Biometeorol. Vol. 11) (Eds. Shiraki, K., Segawa, S. and Yousef, M.K.) SPB Academic Publishing bv, New York, p.31-40, 1996.


18.   片渕俊彦. 神経系におけるサイトカインの役割. 内科学進歩のトピックス, 仁保喜之, 石橋大海編, 九州大学出版会, 福岡, p.44-47, 1998. 19.   片渕俊彦. IFNの神経系に対する作用.  IV. IFNの生理と病理. インターフェロン—その研究の歩みと臨床応用への可能性—,  今西二郎編, ライフサイエンス, 東京, p.112-121, 1998.


20.   Katafuchi, T., Kondo, T., Take, S. and Hori, T. Hypothalamic modulation of delayed-type hypersensitivity and splenic natural killer cell activity.  In: Brain and Biodefence (Eds. Oomura, Y. and Hori, T.) Japan Scientific Societies Press/S. Karger, Tokyo/Basel p.3-11, 1998.


21.  片渕俊彦. 神経−免疫−内分泌.  免疫学からみた神経系と神経疾患, 吉田孝人, 糸山泰人, 錫村明生編, 日本医学館, 東京, p.149-158, 1999.


22.   Hori, T., Katafuchi, T. and Oka, T. Central cytokines: effects on peripheral immunity, inflammation and nociception. In: Psychoneuroimmunology. Third Edition volume 1 (Eds. Ader, R., Felten D.L. and Cohen, N.) Academic Press Inc., San Diego, p.517-545, 2001.


23.  Katafuchi, T., Kondo, T., Take, S. and Hori, T. Autonomic and neuroendocrine modulation of cellular immunity.  In: Thermotherapy for Neoplasia, Inflammation and Pain (Eds. Kosaka, M., Sugahara, T., Schmidt, K.L. and Simon, E.) Springer-Verlag Tokyo, Tokyo, p.252-257, 2001.


24.   Hori, T., Kaizuka, Y., Takaki, A. and Katafuchi, T. Thermal stress and immunity.  In: Thermotherapy for Neoplasia, Inflammation and Pain (Eds. Kosaka, M., Sugahara, T., Schmidt, K.L. and Simon, E.)  Springer-Verlag Tokyo, Tokyo, p.242-251, 2001.


25.   Katafuchi, T., Takaki, A., Kondo, T. and Hori, T. Changes in brain cytokine mRNA due to heat stress in aged rats: possible role of bacterial translocation. In: Physical Fitness and Health Promotion in Active Aging (Prog. Biometeorol. Vol. 17) (Eds. Shiraki, K., Sagawa, S. and Yousef, M.K.) SPB Academic Publishing bv, New York, p.173-183, 2001.


26.   片渕俊彦, 武幸子, 八坂敏一, 近藤哲哉, 吉村恵. ストレスと脳内サイトカイン. 脳機能の解明. 生命科学の主潮流, 赤池紀扶, 東英穂, 阿部康二, 久保千春編, ガイア出版会, 福岡, p.387-392, 2002.


27.   Katafuchi, T., Shi, Z., Take, S. and Hori, T. Hypothalamo-sympathetic control of cellular immunity. In: Catecholamine Research: From Molecular Insights to Clinical Medicine (Advances in Behavioral Biology Vol. 53) (Eds. Nagatsu, T., Nabeshima, T., McCarthy, R. and Goldstein, D.S.) Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, p.277-280, 2002.


28.   片渕俊彦.  ストレスとホメオスターシス. ストレスの事典, 第3章 ストレス研究の現状. 河野友信, 石川俊男編, 朝倉書店, 東京, p.78-80, 2005.


29.   Katafuchi, T. Possible involvement of brain cytokines and 5-HT system in chronic fatigue syndrome. In: Psychosomatic Medicine (International Congress Series 1287) (Eds. Kubo, C. and Kuboki, T.) Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam, p.251-255, 2006.


30.   片渕俊彦. ストレス、疲労、精神状態と免疫力. 免疫と栄養, 横越英彦編, 幸書房, 東京, p.7-17, 2006.


31.   片渕俊彦. 免疫系. 環境生理学, 本間研一, 彼末一之編, 北海道大学出版会, 札幌, p.101-112, 2007.


32.   片渕俊彦. 自律神経機能と免疫・内分泌との相関. 自律神経機能検査. 第4版. 日本自律神経学会編. 文光堂.東京. p.77-78, 2007.


33.   Furue, H., Katafuchi, T. and Yoshimura, M. In vivo patch-clamp technique. In: Patch-Clamp Analysis: advanced techniques, second edition. (Ed. Walz, W.) Humana Press Inc., Totowa, pp.229-251, 2007.


34.   片渕俊彦, 吉村恵. 体温調節のしくみ. 人工環境デザインハンドブック. 第2章 温熱環境, 2.2 生理的評価. 栃原裕編, 丸善株式会社, 東京, pp.25-28, 2007.


35.   Katafuchi, T. Brain mechanisms of poly I:C-induced fatigue in rats. In: Fatigue Science for Human Health. (Eds. Watababe, Y., Evengard, B., Natelson, B.H., Jason, L.A. and Kuratsune, H.) Springer-Verlag Tokyo, Tokyo, pp.219-230, 2008.


36.   Katafuchi, T. Impairment of adaptive responses to heat exposure: aging and bacterial translocation. In: Adaptation Biology and Medicine: Health Potentials. (Eds. Lukyanova, L., Takeda, N. and Singal, P.K.) Narosa Publishers, New Delhi, India, Vol. 5, pp.339-345, 2008.


37.   Katafuchi, T. Involvement of brain cytokines in stress-induced immunosuppression. In: Cytokines and the Brain. Neuroimmune Biology, Vol. 6, (Eds. Phelps, C. and Korneva, E.) Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam, pp.391-401, 2008.


1. 片渕俊彦, 根本清次, 大村裕. 摂食調節の化学因子. シンポジウム「摂食メカニズムと肥満」第7回日本肥満学会記録p.18-20.  1986. 11月10-11日. (神戸)


2.   Katafuchi, T., Yoshimatsu, H., Puthuraya, K.P. and Oomura, Y. Neuronal inputs from the lateral vestibular nucleus to the lateral hypothalamic area in rats.  The 2nd World Congress of Neuroscience (IBRO), Neuroscience (Suppl.) 22, S776, 1987. August 16-21. (Budapest, HUNGARY)


3.   Katafuchi, T., Min,  B-I. and Oomura, Y. Neurophysiological  evidence of the cerebellar input to the hypothalamus. APPETITE, THIRST AND RELATED DISORDERS (Satellite to the 17th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience), Abstracts p.84, 1987. November 12-15. (San Antonio, USA)


4.   Katafuchi, T. and Koizumi, K. Responses of rat paraventricular hypothalamic neuron activity to cerebellar fastigial nucleus stimulation. FEDERATION OF AMERICAN SOCIETIES FOR EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY. (72nd annual meeting), FASEB. J., Abstract, Vol. 2, No. 4, A310 (#79), 1988. June 15-19. (Las Vegas, USA)


5.   Katafuchi, T. and Koizumi, K.  Responses of neurosecretory neurons in the rat paraventricular nucleus to fastigial nucleus stimulation studied by intracellular recordings. SOCIETY FOR NEUROSCIENCE. (18th annual meeting), Soc. Neurosci. Abstr., 14, 628 (256.4), 1988. November 13-18. (Toronto, CANADA)


6.   Katafuchi, T., Hattori, Y. and Koizumi, K. Mechanism of water intake in inbred polydipsic mice.  XTH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON THE PHYSIOLOGY OF FOOD AND FLUID INTAKE. Appetite. 12: 217, 1989. July 4-8. (Paris, FRANCE)


7.   Katafuchi, T., Take, S., Kaizuka, Y. and Hori, T. The roles of splenic sympathetic nerves in the suppression of cellular immunity. SOCIETY FOR NEUROSCIENCE (21st annual meeting), Soc. Neurosci. Abstr., 17, 833 (328.13), 1991. November 10-15. (New Orleans, USA)


8.   Katafuchi, T., Take, S., Ichijo, T. and Hori, T.  Hypothalamic control of peripheral immune functions mediated by the sympathetic nervous system in rats.  SOCIETY  FOR  NEUROSCIENCE  (22nd annual meeting), Soc. Neurosci. Abstr., 18, 681 (288.11), 1992. October 25-30. (Anaheim, USA)


9.   片渕俊彦, 堀哲郎. 脳・免疫系連関. シンポジウム「脳機能の解明—21世紀に向けて—」 II-1. 抄録集p.36, 1993. 6月4-5日. (仙台)


10.   Katafuchi, T., Ichijo, T., Take, S. and Hori, T. The role of the splenic sympathetic nerve in neuroimmunomodulation. SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR NEUROIMMUNOMODULATION. Abstracts p.50. 1993. September 12-17. (Paestum, (Salerno), ITALY)


11.   片渕俊彦. 交感神経系を介する免疫制御. シンポジウム4「脳と免疫」第23回日本免疫学会総会・学術集会記録, S4-3, p.118.  1993. 11月17-19日. (仙台)


12.   片渕俊彦. 視床下部−交感神経系による免疫系の制御. 千里ライフサイエンスセミナー, ブレインサイエンスシリーズ第6回「脳と免疫のクロストーク」講演要旨集p.12-


13. 1994. 3月15日. (大阪) 13.   片渕俊彦. 第3脳室前壁部の神経回路網. シンポジウム「脳の窓:脳室周囲系の機能と形態」第71回日本生理学会大会予稿集. p.246, S9-2, 1994. 3月24-26日. (高松) [Katafuchi, T. Neurophysiological studies on the anteroventral region of the third ventricle (AV3V): its role in neuroimmunomodulation. Jpn J. Physiol. 44: (suppl. 1) S 9-2, S19, 1994.]


14.   片渕俊彦, 堀哲郎. 中枢性免疫抑制機序における脳内CRF系の役割. シンポジウム「多面的に見た視床下部−下垂体系」第9回下垂体研究会学術集会 抄録集SI-2. p.13. 1994. 7月18-20日. (福島)


15.   片渕俊彦, 堀哲郎. インターフェロン−αの中枢作用に関する基礎研究. シンポジウム「インターフェロンの新展開」 第59回インターフェロン・サイトカイン研究会. 抄録集27. 1994. 7月23日. (京都)


16.   Katafuchi, T., Ichijo, T., Ando, T., Oota, K., Take, S. and Hori, T.  Afferent and efferent mechanisms of neural-immune interactions: roles of immune cytokines. SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF PATHOPHYSIOLOGY. Pathophysiology, 1: (suppl) S5-B2-1-04, p.100, 1994. November 19-24. (Kyoto)


17.   Katafuchi, T., Mo, Z-L. and Hori, T. Actions of arginine vasopressin, oxytocin and angiotensin II on the rat dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus, in vitro. SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF PATHOPHYSIOLOGY. Pathophysiology, 1: (suppl.) WS4-I-2-07, p.268, 1994. November 19-24. (Kyoto)


18.   Katafuchi, T., Mo, Z-L. and Hori, T. Responses of rat dorsal motor neurons of the vagus to interleukin-1b in vitro. The 4th NAITO CONFERENCE ON NEURO-IMMUNO-ENDOCRINE NETWORKS. Abstracts PS-29, p.92, 1994. November 25-28. (Gifu)


19.   片渕俊彦. 視床下部・内分泌・自律神経系への神経性および体液性入力機構の解析. 第11回川上正澄賞受賞講演.第21回日本内分泌学会神経内分泌分科会. 日本内分泌学会雑誌 第70巻 第7号, p.817, 1994. 12月3日. (北九州)


20.   Katafuchi, T., Ota, K. and Hori, T. Prostanoids-dependent responses of AV3V neurons to blood-borne IL-1b: a possible implication in the blood cytokines-brain signal transduction.  The Second Joint Meeting of the Physiological Societies of Japan and U.K. and Eire.  (Nagoya Symposium, Integrative Mechanisms of Physiological Function: From Ion Channel to System.), Abstracts S12-8, p.444, 1995. April 1-2. (Nagoya)


21.   片渕俊彦, 堀哲郎. 交感神経系を介する免疫調節. 11-S-10「ストレス応答と免疫系」第24回日本医学会総会学術講演要旨 p.377, 1995. 4月7-9日. (名古屋)


22.   片渕俊彦, 太田一樹, 李愛軍, 安藤哲也, 武幸子, 堀哲郎. 感染防御と神経内分泌系のかかわり. シンポジウム1「感染防御のしくみ: 調節機構とその異常」第69回日本感染症学会総会学術講演抄録, 感染症学雑誌 第69巻 臨時増刊号p.51-52, 1995. 4月13-14日. (福岡)


23.   Katafuchi, T., Take, S. and Hori, T.  Roles of cytokines in the neural-immune interactions: modulation of NMDA responses by IFN-a. Physiology of the Hypothalamus: Feeding, Drinking, Learning, Autonomic and Immune Regulation. (Satellite Symposium of the Fourth Conference of the International Behavioral Neuroscience Society.) PROGRAM & ABSTRACTS p.14, 1995. May 17. (Santiago de Compostela, SPAIN)


24.   Katafuchi, T.  Modulatory effects of IFN-a on the NMDA-induced responses in vitro.  Fourth International Workshop of UOEH on Emotion, Stress and Metabolism. J UOEH 17:319-320, 1995. July 22. (Kitakyushu)


25.   Katafuchi, T., Ota, K. and Hori, T.  Evidence for the involvement of the AV3V in the blood cytokine-brain signal transduction mechanism. The 5th NAITO CONFERENCE ON NEURO-IMMUNO-ENDOCRINE NETWORKS. Abstracts PS-8, p.66, 1995. October 25-28. (Gifu)


26.   片渕俊彦, 安藤哲也, 一條智康, 武幸子, 堀哲郎. 交感神経による脾臓ナチュラルキラー細胞活性制御機能の視床下部機序. シンポジウム「自律神経と免疫機能」第48回日本自律神経学会総会 抄録集p.41, 1995. 11月9-10日. (東京)


27.   Katafuchi, T., Ota, K., Miyazaki, M., Takaki, A. and Hori, T. Neuronal signal transduction system of blood-borne IL-1b to the brain: an involvement of neurons in the anteroventral region of the III ventricle (AVIIIV). SOCIETY FOR NEUROSCIENCE (25th annual meeting), Soc. Neurosci. Abstr., 21, 98 (45.5), 1995. November 11-16. (San Diego, USA)


28.    Katafuchi, T. and Hori, T. Roles of brain cytokines in the neural modulation of immunity. Session B. Neuro Modulation of Immunity The 8th NAITO CONFERENCE ON NEURO-IMMUNO-ENDOCRINE NETWORKS. Abstracts B-3, p.24-25, 1996. October 16-19. (Gifu) 29.   Katafuchi, T., Ichijo, T., Ando, T., Take, S. and Hori, T.  Sequential relationship among IL-1b-, prostaglandin E2- and CRF-induced activation of splenic sympathetic nerve activity.  The 3rd International Congress of the International Society for Neuroimmunomodulation. Abstracts p74, 1996. November 13-15. (Bethesda, MD, USA)


30.   Katafuchi T., Ichijo, T., Ando, T., Take, S. and Hori, T.  Responses of the splenic sympathetic nerve activity to central administration of prostanoids and corticotropin-releasing factor in rats. SOCIETY FOR NEUROSCIENCE (26th annual meeting), Soc. Neurosci. Abstr., 22, 88 (43.5). 1996. November 16-21. (Washington, D.C., USA)


31.   片渕俊彦, 李愛軍, 廣田誠一, 堀哲郎. 脳−免疫系連関と学習記憶. シンポジウム「脳内増殖因子と学習記憶」第74回日本生理学会大会予稿集  1S-1-2, p.55,  1997. 3月26-28日. (浜松)[Katafuchi, T., Li, A-J., Hirota, S. and Hori, T. Effects of immune system-related substances on spatial learning and hippocampal synaptic potentiation. Jpn J. Physiol. 47: (suppl. 2) SP2, S3, 1997.]


32.   片渕俊彦, 堀哲郎. 視床下部・交感神経系による免疫系修飾. シンポジウム「神経−内分泌−免疫系のクロストーク」第12回下垂体研究会学術集会  p.22, 1997. 7月24-25日. (京都)


33.   片渕俊彦, 堀哲郎. ストレス・免疫応答の中枢神経機序. シンポジウム-17「免疫系と神経・内分泌系の会話」第27回日本免疫学会総会・学術集会記録  S17-3, p.107,  1997. 10月29-31日. (札幌)


34.   Katafuchi, T. and Hori, T.  Hypothalamic modulation of cellular immunity. Brain and the Bio-defense System. The 21st International Symposium, Division of Brain Sciences The Taniguchi Foundation.  Abstracts p.1, 1998. January 19-22. (Kyoto)


35.   Katafuchi, T., Kondo, T., Li, A-J. and Hori, T. Roles of c-kit receptor/stem cell factor signaling in hippocampal synaptic potentiation. Symposium 37 The brain growth factor: Learning and memory, III International Congress of Pathophysiology. Pathophysiology 5 (S1) 215, 1998. June 28 -July 3. (Lahti, FINLAND),


36.   片渕俊彦. 脳・免疫系連関とホメオスターシス. 第28回新潟神経学夏期セミナー. 脳と免疫のクロストーク.抄録集 p.3-5, 1998. 7月23-25日. (新潟)


37.   Katafuchi, T., Kondo, T. and Hori, T.  Effects of adrenalectomy and degeneration of C-fibers on delayed-type hypersensitivity.  The 4th International Congress of Neuroendocrinology. Abstracts P184, p.32, 1998. October 11-16. (Kitakyushu)


38.   Katafuchi, T., Kondo, T. and Hori, T.  Modulation of synaptic potentiation in mouse mossy fiber-CA3 pathway by a hematopoietic cytokine, stem cell factor (SCF). SOCIETY FOR NEUROSCIENCE (28th annual meeting), Soc. Neurosci. Abstr., 24, 445 (174.7), 1998. November 7-12. (Los Angeles, USA)


39.   片渕俊彦, 八坂敏一, 堀哲郎. 脳内c-fos蛋白の機能的役割—アンチセンスオリゴDNAによるノックダウン動物を用いた解析. シンポジウム「新しい統合生理学研究法の開発応用とその有用性」第76回日本生理学会大会予稿集  1C-S5-1, p.80, 1999. 3月28-30日. (長崎) [Katafuchi, T., Yasaka, T. and Hori, T. Studies on functional roles of Fos protein using antisense oligonucleotide knock-down animals. Jpn J. Physiol. 49: (suppl.) S19, S10, 1999.]


40.   Katafuchi, T. Neural modulation of splenic natural killer cell activity through the sympathetic nerve. International Conference “Mechanisms of Functioning of Visceral Systems” (dedicated to Academician Ivan Pavlov’s 150-anniversary), Abstracts p.163-164, 1999. September 23-25. (St. Petersburg, RUSSIA)


41.   Katafuchi, T. and Hori, T. Modulation of synaptic currents of mouse hippocampal neurons by interleukin-6. The 4th International Congress of the International Society for Neuroimmunomodulation. Neuroimmunomodulation 6: 433, 1999. September 29-October 2. (Lugano, SWITZERLAND)


42.   片渕俊彦. 神経・免疫系連関とストレス. シンポジウム1「環境とストレス」 第25回環境トキシコロジーシンポジウム・第3回衛生薬学フォーラム合同大会 講演要旨集 S1-3, p.7, 1999. 10月21-22日. (名古屋)


43.   片渕俊彦. 神経・内分泌・免疫系連関とストレス応答. 教育講演 第30回日本皮膚アレルギー学会 日本皮膚アレルギー学会雑誌 8(1): 15-16, 2000. 7月22-23日. (大阪)


44.   Katafuchi, T. Changes in brain cytokine mRNA due to heat stress in aged rats: possible role of bacterial translocation. The 20th International Symposium of UOEH “Physiological Evaluation of Working Capability in Aged Laborers” Session 2. Physiological adjustments to thermal stress in the elderly. Abstracts p.22, 2000. October 25-27. (Kitakyushu)


45.   片渕俊彦. 脳・免疫系連関とストレス応答. 第36回 脳のシンポジウム. 日本学術会議 脳・神経学研究連絡委員会 2001. 3月24日. (福岡)


46.   片渕俊彦. 疲労の生体信号としてのサイトカイン. シンポジウム「疲労と疲労感の神経メカニズム」第78回日本生理学会大会予稿集  S17-2, p.154, 2001. 3月29-31日. (京都)


47.   Katafuchi, T. and Hori, T. Hypothalamo-sympathetic control of cellular immunity. The 9th International Catecholamine Symposium Session 4. “Catecholamines and Cytokines” Abstracts S4-6, p.14, 2001. March 31-April 5. (Kyoto)


48.   Katafuchi, T., Takaki, A. and Kondo, T. Role of bacterial translocation in hot environment-induced brain cytokines in aged rats. The International Conference on Environmental Pollution. Session III Reactions of biological systems to the unfavorable environmental factors. Abstracts p.75, 2001. September 18-25. (Volgograd-Perm, RUSSIA)


49. 片渕俊彦, 近藤哲哉, 久保和彦. 脳内サイトカインと感情評価. シンポジウム「ゲノム時代と感情評価」第24回日本神経科学,第44回日本神経化学合同大会抄録集 S53-5, p.202, 2001. 9月26-28日. (京都) [Katafuchi, T., Kondo, T. and Kubo, K. Brain cytokines and emotion. Neurosci. Res. 25: (suppl.) S53-5, S44, 2001.]


50.   片渕俊彦. 脳・免疫系連関とストレス応答. シンポジウム3「脳循環と代謝の病態生理」第12回日本病態生理学会大会  日本病態生理学会雑誌 10(2): 33, 2002. 1月26-27日. (愛媛)


51.   片渕俊彦. 環境ストレスと脳内サイトカイン. セッション2 内分泌−免疫 第2回環境生理シンポジウム—人類生存への環境創造へ向けて—(第79回日本生理学会大会サテライトシンポジウム) 抄録集 p.11, 2002. 3月27日.(広島)


52.   Katafuchi, T., Kondo, T. and take, S. Changes in brain cytokine mRNAs during poly I:C-induced fatigue. The International Conference on Fatigue Science. SESSION II. Abstract Book, p.24, 2002. June 9-11. (Sandhamn, SWEDEN)


53.   Katafuchi, T. Brain and biodefence mechanisms: neural and endocrine modulation of cellular immunity.  The 1st International Scientific Conference. Cytokines, Inflammation, Immunity. Workshop: NEUROIMMUNO-ENDOCRINE REGULATION. Abstract Book, p.11, 2002. June 23-26. (St. Petersburg, RUSSIA)


54.   Katafuchi, T., Kondo, T. and Take, S. Brain mechanisms of poly I:C-induced fatigue. The 5th International Congress of the International Society for Neuroimmunomodulation. Neuroimmunomodulation 10: 63, 2002. September 9-11. (Montpellier, FRANCE)


55.   Katafuchi, T. Hypothalamo-sympathetic control of stress-induced Immunosuppression. The 5th Scientific Congress Federation of Asian & Oceanian Physiological Societies (FAOPS). Symposium 2: Neuro-Endocrine Mechanisms in Stress. Abstract Book, p.30. 2002. September 23-26. (Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA)


56.  Katafuchi, T. Hypothalamo-sympathetic mechanisms of stress-induced suppression of natural killer cell activity. International Symposium for Environmental Medicine: Changing Environment and Human Health. Program/abstracts p.15. 2002. October 11. (Nagoya)


57.  片渕俊彦. 脳・免疫系連関モデルとしての疲労. 特別講演Ⅱ 第8回慢性疲労症候群研究会 抄録集 p.8, 2003. 2月13-14日. (米子)


58.   片渕俊彦, 高木厚司, 武幸子. 老化ラットにおける暑熱暴露によるbacterial translocation. シンポジウム「体温、体液、免疫調節系のクロストーク:脱水時の体温調節メカニズム」第80回日本生理学会大会予稿集  S22-4, p.49, 2003. 3月24-26日. (福岡)


59.   片渕俊彦. ストレスと脳内サイトカイン. パネルディスカッションI 「心身相関の脳内メカニズム研究の進展」第44回日本心身医学会総会ならびに学術講演会抄録集 PI-3, p.144, 2003. 5月8-9日. (沖縄)


60.   Katafuchi, T., Kondo, T., Take, S. and Yasaka, T. Possible mechanisms of the immunologically induced fatigue in rats. The 5th CIS congress of Immunology and Allergology. Symposium 7. Disorders in Neural-Immune Interaction. Program p.43, 2003. July 8-11. (St. Petersburg, RUSSIA)


61.   片渕俊彦. 空間認知学習および海馬シナプス可塑性における幹細胞因子/c-kitシグナル伝達の関与. シンポジウム「内因性生理活性物質と脳高次機能」第26回日本神経科学大会プログラム集 S28-3, p.17, 2003. 7月23-25日. (名古屋) [Katafuchi, T. Involvement of stem cell factor/c-kit signaling in spatial learning and hippocampal synaptic plasticity. Neurosci. Res. 46: (suppl. 1) S28-3, S30, 2003.]


62.   片渕俊彦. 疲労の条件づけとセロトニン神経回路. シンポジウム「疲労・疲労感の神経化学」第46回神経化学会年会プログラム集 S2-1, p.24, 2003. 9月24-26日. (新潟)


63.   片渕俊彦. ストレス免疫の中枢神経機序. シンポジウム「ストレス−知る、測る、癒す−」第43回日本エム・イー学会プログラム・論文集 生体医工学第42巻特別号S4-1, p.100, 2004. 5月19-21日. (金沢)


64.   片渕俊彦. 情動行動と脳内サイトカイン. パネルディスカッションVI「情動・行動の脳内機序に関する研究の進展」第45回日本心身医学会総会ならびに学術講演会抄録集 心身医学第44巻Supplement PVI-4, p.111, 2004. 6月3-4日. (北九州)


65.   Katafuchi, T. Brain cytokines and serotonin system in the immunologically induced fatigue in rats. I.P. Pavlov’s Physiological Society XIX Congress. Symposium 5.8. Physiology of Immune System. Program p.29, 2004. September 19-24. (Ekaterinburg, RUSSIA)


66.   片渕俊彦. ストレス−脳内サイトカイン−自律神経系と免疫機能. シンポジウム「ストレスと自律神経系−基礎から臨床へ」第57回日本自律神経学会総会 プログラム/抄録集 S3-3, p.49, 2004. 10月28-29日. (長崎)


67.   Katafuchi, T. Induction of brain IFN-a and serotonin transporter in poly I:C-induced fatigue in rats. Symposium 10. Mechanisms of Fatigue and Recovery/Prevention from Fatigue. Shanghai International Conference on Physiological Biophysics. (Shanghai ICPB’04) Abstract Book p.52, 2004. November 9-13. (Shanghai, CHINA)


68.   Katafuchi, T., Take, S., Kondo, T. and Yoshimura, M. Central mechanisms of the immunologically induced fatigue in rats. Symposium 3. Fatigue: Mechanisms Through Animal Models. International Conference on Fatigue Science 2005. Abstract Book p.31, 2005. February 9-11. (Karuizawa)


69.   片渕俊彦, 八坂敏一, 加藤剛, 古江秀昌, 吉村恵. 痛覚系ニューロンのおもしろさ:脊髄後角ニューロンにおける形態、機能、および電気生理学的特性の相関. シンポジウム「機能形態学のおもしろさ:細胞内染色法とその成果および展望」第82回日本生理学会大会プログラム集  1S06G2, p.32, 2005. 5月18-20日. (仙台)


70.   片渕俊彦. 免疫学的疲労とセロトニン神経系. シンポジウム「疲労のメカニズムII」第1回日本疲労学会総会. 日本疲労学会誌第1巻第1号 p.46, 2005. 6月4-5日. (東京)


71.   Katafuchi, T. Involvement of brain cytokines and 5-HT system in chronic fatigue syndrome. Symposium 13. Brain mechanisms of psychosomatic diseases. The 18th World Congress on Psychosomatic Medicine. Program & Abstracts p.23, SY13-3, 2005. August 22-26. (Kobe)


72.   Katafuchi, T., Kondo, T., Take, S. and Yoshimura, M. Brain cytokines and the 5-HT system during polyI:C-induced fatigue. Symposium 14. Novel functions of cytokines in the nervous system. The 6th Meeting of the International Society for Neuroimmunomodulation. Program & Abstract book p.51, 2005. September 25-28. (Athens, GREECE): (Chairman)


73.   片渕俊彦. 自律神経系による免疫機能修飾−ストレス・免疫応答への関与. シンポジウム3「免疫、炎症および骨代謝に関わる細胞とニューロメディエーター」第60回日本口腔科学会. プログラム・抄録集 p.107, 2006. 5月11-12日. (名古屋)


74.   Katafuchi, T. Impairment of adaptive responses to heat exposure: aging and bacterial translocation. Symposium II-6. Adaptive mechanism of the immune system. The 8th World Congress of the International Society for Adaptive Medicine. Abstract book p.117-118, 2006. June 21-24. (Moscow, RUSSIA)


75.   Katafuchi, T. Roles of brain IFN-a and 5-HT transporter in immunologically induced fatigue as a model for chronic fatigue syndrome. The 8th International Conference of Neuroimmunology. J. Neuroimmunol. 178: Suppl. 1. P.172, PP08-05, 2006. October 15-19. (Nagoya)


76.   Katafuchi, T., Take, S. and Yoshimura, M. Serotonin system in poly I:C-induced fatigue model in rats. International Symposium: Interaction of the nervous and immune systems in health and disease. Abstract book p.32-33, 2007. May 31-June 2. (St. Petersburg, RUSSIA) (Chairman)


77.   Katafuchi, T. Cytokine-induced suppression of MPO neurons: its mechanisms and neuroimmunomodulatory effects. Round Table 3. Cytokines/chemokines regulating nervous/endocrine tissues. The 7th Meeting of the International Society for Neuroimmunomodulation. Program & Abstract book p.15, 2008. April 24-27. (Rio de Janeiro,BRAZIL)


78.   Katafuchi, T., Take, S., Ifuku, M., Izumi, K., Noda, M. and Yoshimura M. Brain mechanisms of immunologically induced fatigue in the rat. Symposium 4. Mechanisms of fatigue and fibromyalgia.  International Conference on Fatigue Science 2008. Program & Abstract book p.48, 2008. September 3-5. (Okinawa)

その他 報告書等

1. 大村裕, 赤池紀生, 片渕俊彦, 吉松博信. 視床下部—自律神経系を介するNa-K能動輸送の解析. 特定研究 神経難病の発症機構 (II) 昭和60年度研究業績集p.456-461, 1986.


2.   片渕俊彦, 吉松博信, Puthuraya, K.P., 大村裕. 前庭神経核刺激に対する視床下部外側野ニューロンの応答. NEUROSCIENCES  Vol.12 (2) 172-173, 1986.


3.   Oomura, Y. and Katafuchi, T. Single neuron activity in the rat lateral hypothalamus during hypogravic simulation induced by body suspension. PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIFTEENTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SPACE TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE. 2061-2065, 1986.


4.   片渕俊彦. 摂食行動および自律神経制御機構における視床下部室傍核 (PVN) の役割. 持田記念財団研究成果報告集. Vol.4. p.125-129, 1988.


5.   片渕俊彦. 視床下部—小脳系による自律神経制御機構の解析. 平成1〜2年度  科学研究費補助金 (一般研究(C)研究成果報告書. 1991.


6.   片渕俊彦, 堀哲郎. 脳インターフェロンαによる細胞性免疫抑制. 平成3年度長崎大学熱帯医学研究所 共同研究報告集. p.18-19, 1991.


7.   片渕俊彦. 小脳−視床下部神経機構におけるバゾプレッシンの役割. 日産科学振興財団研究報告書. Vol.15 p.261-263, 1992.


8.   片渕俊彦. 中枢性免疫制御機構における第III脳室周囲器官の役割. 上原記念生命科学財団研究報告集. Vol.16 p.275-277, 1992.


9.   堀哲郎, 海塚安郎, 片渕俊彦. 人類の温熱応答研究の未来像−生体防御と関連して. 日本生気象学雑誌29: 45-48,  1992.


10.   片渕俊彦. ストレス・免疫応答における視床下部−自律神経系制御機構と第㈽脳室周囲器官の役割. 平成3〜4年度科学研究費補助金(一般研究(C))研究成果報告書. 1993.


11.   片渕俊彦. ストレス疾患としての肥満における中枢性免疫制御機構に関する基礎的研究. 体力研究—体力医学研究所報告—. No. 83 p.28-35, 1993.


12.   片渕俊彦. 脳−免疫系連関におけるアラキドン酸カスケード系物質の作用機序.  小野医学研究財団 研究成果報告集. Vol.5 p.101-108, 1994.


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14.   片渕俊彦. インターフェロンαの中枢作用としての免疫抑制機序に関する基礎的研究. 興和生命科学振興財団研究報告書. Vol.6 p.38-42, 1995.


15.   堀哲郎, 片渕俊彦. 内藤コンファレンス—神経・免疫・内分泌ネットワーク (I)月刊細胞27 (7): 34-35, 1995.


16.   堀哲郎, 片渕俊彦. 脳・免疫系連関と発熱. 第24回日本医学会総会会誌[II]538-539, 1995.


17.   片渕俊彦, 堀哲郎. 交感神経系を介する免疫調節. 第24回日本医学会総会会誌[II] 72, 1995.


18.   片渕俊彦. 環境ストレス・脳—免疫系修飾における脳内サイトカインおよび自律神経系の役割. 平成5〜7年度科学研究費補助金(一般研究(B))研究成果報告書. 1996.


19.   片渕俊彦. 受賞テーマと最近の研究について. ブレインサイエンス振興財団10周年記念誌. p.67-69, 1997.


20.   片渕俊彦. 学習・記憶障害におけるc-kit/Stem cell factorの役割. 9-公-4 高次脳機能を担う神経回路網の発達及びその障害の成因・予防に関する研究. 平成9年度厚生省精神・神経疾患研究委託費による研究報告集. p.643, 1997.


21.   片渕俊彦, 堀哲郎.  脳サイトカインによる海馬シナプス可塑性の修飾. 平成10年度長崎大学熱帯医学研究所共同研究報告集. p.176, 1998.


22.   片渕俊彦. 学習・記憶障害におけるc-kit/Stem cell factorの役割. 9-公-4 高次脳機能を担う神経回路網の発達及びその障害の成因・予防に関する研究. 平成10年度厚生省精神・神経疾患研究委託費による研究報告集. p.74, 1998.


23.   片渕俊彦. 環境適応反応の中枢神経機構における脳内サイトカインの役割. 平成8〜10年度科学研究費補助金(一般研究(B))研究成果報告書. 1999.


24.   片渕俊彦. ストレスと免疫系. MEDICAL CORNER オピニオンリーダーが語る医療最前線 ライフメディコム社. Vol.105 No.1 21-23, 1999. (日本短波放送・明菓アワー放送原稿, 1999年3月14日放送分)


25.   片渕俊彦, 堀哲郎. 暑熱寒冷暴露時の脳内体温調節関連物質のmRNA動態. 平成11年度長崎大学熱帯医学研究所 共同研究報告集. p.160, 1999.


26.   片渕俊彦. 学習・記憶障害におけるc-kit/Stem cell factorの役割. 厚生省精神・神経疾患研究委託費 9-公-4高次脳機能を担う神経回路網の発達及びその障害の成因・予防に関する研究. 総括研究報告書 p.55-61, 2000.


27.   片渕俊彦. 環境ストレス応答の中枢機序における脳内肥満細胞の意義. 平成10〜12年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(B))研究成果報告書. 2001.


28.   片渕俊彦. 疲労生体信号と神経・免疫・内分泌相関の調整: サイトカインの疲労生体信号への道筋. 文部科学省科学技術振興調整費 疲労および疲労感の分子・神経メカニズムとその防御に関する研究(第I期 平成11〜13年度)成果報告書 p.207-221, 2002.


29.   片渕俊彦. 脳と免疫系との相互連関による環境適応機構の解析.平成12〜14年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(B))研究成果報告書. 2003.


30.   Katafuchi, T., Kondo, T., Take, S. and Yasaka, T. Possible mechanisms of the immunologically induced fatigue in rats. Allergology and Immunology 4(2): 210-211, 2003.


31.   片渕俊彦. 免疫とストレスについて. 日本リウマチ財団ニュース. 第66号. p.5, 2004年7月号.


32.   片渕俊彦. ロシア雑感. AFTERNOON TEA. 日本生理学雑誌, 第67巻 第12号, 393-394, 2005.


33.   片渕俊彦. 技術情報協会セミナー. 疲労および疲労感の中枢神経メカニズムとその防御. SEMINAR TEXT. p.1-31, 2006. 2月22日. (東京, 五反田, ゆうぽうと)


34.   片渕俊彦. ISS産業科学システムズ ブレインセンターセミナー. 生体のストレス・免疫応答と疲労の神経メカニズム. テキスト 70 p., 2006. 3月13日. (東京, 飯田橋, 工業教育会館)


35.   片渕俊彦. 免疫学的ストレスによる情動行動の脳内機序とその条件づけ. 平成17〜18年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C))研究成果報告書. 2007

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