2022年7月7日 Marla Feller先生セミナー

米国カリフォルニア大学バークレー校Distinguished ProfessorのMarla B. Feller先生によるセミナー(遠隔)を開催いたします。Feller先生は網膜において開眼前に生じる自発神経活動と視覚神経回路形成の関係、方向選択的ニューロンの発生について、長年先駆的な研究をされています。皆様のご参加お待ちしております。
Speaker: Prof. Marla B. Feller
Affiliation: Department of Molecular and Cell Biology & Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute, University of California, Berkeley
Date and time: July 7th, 13:00- (JST, Japan standard time)
Venue: Zoom meeting (remote only)
Registration for non-Kyudai participants: https://forms.gle/di4SgbtWSA4U2qQLA

Title:  Wiring up direction selective circuits in the retina

Summary:  The development of neural circuits is profoundly impacted by both spontaneous and sensory experience. This is perhaps most well studied in the visual system, where disruption of early spontaneous activity called retinal waves prior to eye opening and visual deprivation after eye opening leads to alterations in the response properties and connectivity in several visual centers in the brain. We address this question in the retina, which comprises multiple circuits that encode different features of the visual scene, culminating in over 40 different types of retinal ganglion cells. Direction-selective ganglion cells respond strongly to an image moving in the preferred direction and weakly to an image moving in the opposite, or null, direction.  Moreover, as recently described (Sabbah et al, 2017) the preferred directions of direction selective ganglion cells cluster along four directions that align along two optic flow axes, causing variation of the relative orientation of preferred directions along the retinal surface.  I will provide recent progress in the lab that addresses the role of visual experience and spontaneous retinal waves in the establishment of direction selective tuning and direction selectivity maps in the retina.

Feller lab: https://fellerlab.squarespace.com/

世話人: 医学研究院・疾患情報研究分野 今井 猛