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第34回生命医科学セミナー (Biomedical Science Seminar

演 題:Studies of Leading and Lagging Strand DNA

Replication Fidelity in Yeast

演 者:  Dr. Thomas A. Kunkel

Genome Integrity and Structural Biology Laboratory,

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences,



日 時:平成27年11月25日(水)


場 所:病院地区総合研究棟1階 102講義室


Coordinated replication of the two undamaged DNA strands of the eukaryotic nuclear genome is normally catalyzed by DNA polymerases a, d and e. These replicases are related, but they differ in protein partnerships and physical and biochemical properties, including fidelity. This talk will focus on their roles in leading and lagging strand DNA replication fidelity in budding yeast. Emphasis will be on recent studies in which deep sequence has been used to define the genome-wide rates of ribonucleotide incorporation by the three polymerases during leading and lagging strand replication. This will be followed by a discussion of the processes by which replication errors are corrected, and the consequences of defects in these processes.




共 催:福岡医学会

問合せ:九州大学大学院 医学研究院 基礎放射線医学分野 續 輝久・中津可道




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